Re: [Evolution] Just give me the body - email

c) that the printing options may or may not have the "Dont print all
headers" option is other versions of Linux - such as Suse with the
exception of other packages that are loaded for the OS in particular?
I'm not sure of that.  I have the options, you don't.  We are using the
same version of evolution.  I'm using openSUSE, you're using Mint.  I'm
using KDE, you're using Gnome (I think).  Seems like either you should
have the options, or I should not.
Agree, it seems like it should be one way or the other at the same
Evolution version.  Perhaps there are build options that enable/disable
print related features?  I've seen that kind of thing with other apps,
possibly to avoid some mandatory dependencies.  Dunno, I haven't built
evolution in awhile.

d) That I cant just get a add/on option?
That's correct.
Printing is not simple;  some of the nastiest code I've seen has related
to printing [not in Evolution, but in general].

 I suppose I cant force and upgrade without other issues affecting the
system either?
That's a definite maybe.  I upgraded mine, but I went to the gnome
repository of my distribution.  Evolution "could" be compiled with
static linking that would prevent it from looking for other libraries.
But then, you'd have to recompile it for every security update.  Not an
ideal situation.
Maybe, static linking still is not actually that simple.  And sometimes
you just can't statically link some things.

e) The OS distribution and versions related are subject to the
"Maintainers" of the OS we use? 
Absolutely yes.  Your LINUX ***DISTRIBUTION*** is the
manager/avenue/method/agent of package ***DISTRIBUTION***.  Somehow,
over time, "distribution" has became closer to the meaning of "brand"
than the obvious connotation of "distributor".

Outcome then for me at this stage is - "just use what i have until the
next version is avail for Mint Debian"?
Is this where I put in a plug for openSUSE?
I, a VERY HAPPY openSUSE LINUX-for-people-who-need-to-get-work-done
user, always try to resist that when dealing with users of Ubuntu
LINUX-for-humans derivatives.  Otherwise I just start to sound like a
broken-record partisan.  Use whatever you want,  but do not blame

How about highlighting the body of the message, pasting it into
something like Kate (Oh wait...  gedit) and printing that?  A couple of
extra steps, but might save a tree or two.

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