Re: [Evolution] Not mark as read not work

On Wed, 2013-09-04 at 15:57 +0200, Jose Legido wrote:
Thank you! Is SOLVED!

In the future, please reply-to-list <Ctrl+L> on mailing lists, rather
than reply all.

+1 How did you change the values?
with gconf-editor

GConf I *believe* is a GNOME2 thing, gconf verses GNOME Settings.  GNOME
Settings is backed by DConf, rather than GConf.

gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.mail mark-seen false
OK! IT works!!!

gsettings or dconf-editor should work for proper GNOME3 applications.

And are you running GNOME?  It shouldn't matter; the writes the settings
should still stick.  Just curious.gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.mail
mark-seen false
I try with gdm+gnome-shell and with slim+xfce

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