Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.8.5

On Tue, 2013-09-10 at 23:24 -0600, Bart wrote:
I just upgraded from 3.8.3 to 3.8.5 without incident.  I'm running
openSUSE 12.3 with KDE as a WM.  There are just a few noticeable
changes.  Just enough to make evolution a little nicer, A little
smoother, faster, and easier to use.

I just wanted to thank the people who put in the effort to build this
product, and make it available.  It fits my needs almost perfectly!

I guess I should go to and post this there.  But, I know there
are a few developers on this list, and a bunch of people who are not
developers but do some pretty heavy tech support.  I wouldn't be able to
use this application without your efforts.  So, Thanks a bunch!

On behalf of the developer team, just wanted to say thanks for this.

At least for me, one positive email like this negates 100 complaints and
is genuinely appreciated.

We gave the 3.8.x branch some extra special attention because Red Hat is
shipping Evolution 3.8 in RHEL 7.  We got lots of helpful feedback, both
from the community and from within Red Hat.

However because of the extra attention given to 3.8.x, I'm afraid the
upcoming 3.10 release won't be terribly exciting feature-wise.  But we
hope to pick up the pace again for the 3.12 release next spring.

We have a backlog of improvement ideas to keep us busy for a good long
time.  Despite our manpower shortage, there's no loss of steam in this
project.  :)

Matthew Barnes

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