Re: [Evolution] Best Distribution to self compile master?

On Tue, 2014-02-18 at 19:02 +0400, Emre Erenoglu wrote:
Is there a distribution that carries the latest versions of
dependencies of Evo 3.12 (incl webkit), so that I can self-compile it
without jhbuild? I shall be forced to replace only few system packages
to prevent instability of the base system.
I do most of my Evolution development on Debian Stable, cherry-picking
newer libraries as needed from Debian Testing, and occasionally build
(optional) bleeding-edge dependencies straight from git.

I don't use jhbuild, I install built source code to a prefix under my
home directory so as not to affect system stability, and I run the EDS
D-Bus services manually from that install prefix.

If I can do all that on a distro as conservative as Debian, then any
reasonably modern distro should be fine, including Ubuntu.  Failing
that, I guess I'd recommend Fedora.  But it really shouldn't matter.

Matthew Barnes

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