Re: [Evolution] IMAP Namespace in 3.10.4

On Wed, 2014-11-19 at 08:16 -0600, Sajan Parikh wrote:
I need to set an IMAP Path or namespace on my IMAP account.  A quick 
Google shows tons of refereneces to an option titled to the effect 
of "Overwrite default namespace" in Receiving Options, however that 
option does not exist for me.
the IMAPx has the option, but it was removed from preferences. There 
is also a bug report to return in back, but I cannot find it right 
now. The current only way is to go to ~/.config/evolution/sources and 
pick the right .source file and change there:
   [Imapx Backend]

The default values are:
   [Imapx Backend]

There might not be running evolution-source-registry when you'll be 
editing the file, because it can overwrite it with other changes, do 
not pick your changes or anything similar (it's an underlying 
evolution file). Once the source registry is restarted it might pick 
your change. The best to edit the file when not being logged into the 
graphical environment, only in the text console (like at Ctrl+Alt+F3).
        Hope it helps,

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