Re: [Evolution] Evolution no longer connects with iCloud IMAP mail

On Sat, 2014-10-11 at 12:20 -0700, Kevin Taggart wrote:

Username: just my username without (this is default and 
recommended in all troubleshooting guides)
Encryption Method: SSL on a dedicated port
Authentication: Password

Encryption Method: STARTTLS after connecting
Authentication Type: Login
Username username domain com

I can send email, just not receive it.

I do not have any iCloud server to try this on, but as there is a 
difference in settings for IMAP and SMTP, then I would try to use the 
same connection options for both. This doesn't work always, byt maybe 
you can just try. That means, I would use this for receiving:

  Encryption Method: STARTTLS after connecting
  Authentication Type: Login

You can try to "sync" more values, like the Username as well, if only 
this won't work (I think the use of STARTTLS instead of SSL is the 
main difference).

        Hope it helps,

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