Re: [Evolution] 3.12.7: Crash with segfault accessing the junk folder (was: Junk)

Am Samstag, den 25.10.2014, 06:28 +0200 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
The Junk folder shoes one unread mail. If I click the Junk folder,
Evolution segfaults while generating the message list.

[rocketmouse archlinux ~]$ evolution
(evolution:13377): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_closure_unref: assertion 'closure->ref_count > 0' failed
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Please install the packages containing the debug symbols and create a
stacktrace/backtrace with the stored core dump file. (There should be a
file `core.*`, containing the process ID 13377, somewhere on your
system. Run `gdb -c path/to/core_dump_file`.

(gdb) set logging on /tmp/evolution-crash-junk-backtrace.txt
(gdb) t a a bt f

Please open a ticket in the GNOME bug tracker Bugzilla [1] and attach
the backtrace there and reply to this thread with the ID it was assigned

[rocketmouse archlinux ~]$ pacman -Q evolution evolution-data-server evolution-bogofilter  
evolution 3.12.7-1
evolution-bogofilter 3.12.7-1
evolution-spamassassin 3.12.7-1

POP accounts only, and after doing this I did receive Junk that didn't 
make Evolution crash, JFTR it wasn't Junk that fits to the filter. I didn't upgrade any package.

Is there a way to delete the junk-mail?




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