Re: [Evolution] Updating account password

On Thu, 2015-08-06 at 11:23 -0600, Marko Dimjašević wrote:
Failed to open folder.
The reported error was "Command received in Invalid state.
I guess an IMAPx account? The error says what it did. You can see what
exactly goes on when you run evolution from a terminal like this:

   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution

That will print the raw communication between the server and the
evolution. If you've more IMAPx accounts configured, then disable all
the unaffected, to not have mixed the communication in the output.

In any case, the password change should be detected by the evolution
automatically (based on the server response, when it tries the old
password), and it asks for a new password, unless the first prompt was
cancelled. I do not think it got that far in your case, due to the
error message.

Deleting passwords in Seahorse not always helps, because the "password
daemon" caches the passwords, thus the old password comes "from
nowhere". I know it doesn't make much sense, but that's my personal
experience. Restart cleanups the cache usually.

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