Re: [Evolution] Evolution doesn't start

Hi Milan,

am 24.02.2015 um 09:43 schrieb Milan Crha:
it's crashing, because one of your local accounts has malformed URL. 
The above quoted part shows the malformed URL, which probably happened 
during restore from a backup.
Yes, I tried to restore from a backup-file on a new installation, which
didn't work out from the step
gconftool --load=$HOME/.local/share/evolution/backup-restore-gconf.xml
After that the segfault occured and I had been unable to fix it - until now.

[...] I would remove the account definition
in gconf-editor, from /apps/evolution/mail/accounts key, which is a 
list of configured accounts. Check either for the item with the 
EVO_USERDATADIR or the local_mbox. Evolution should start properly 
once you remove it, or correct the URL, unless there are more affected 
accounts configured.
There are AFAIK four accounts in the set.
I will sort that out.

Thank you.

Best regards

Betreuungsbüro Jörg Jenetzky
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