Re: [Evolution] Evolution not starting

On Wed, 2015-01-07 at 21:50 +0530, SanthanaKrishnan wrote:
Dear All,

We use evolution mail in our small office of 20 staff. In one system
evolution would not start and I re installed. 

Now it says "evolution: symbol lookup error: evolution: undefined
symbol: ical_set_unknown_token_handling_setting ". 

I tried removing and re-installing again to no avail. What do I do to
run evolution.

You don't say what version you have, but if it's the same as the one
used to post your question it would appear to be 3.2.2 on Fedora 16.
Both of these are *very* out of date and are no longer supported. If you
update to F20 or F21 you'll get a supported version of Evolution and
your problem will probably go away. Feel free to post again if it

Also, removing and reinstalling the same version of Evo (or any other
Linux package) is almost never going to make any difference. This isn't


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