Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.12.9 divide in 4 MySQL Database

Can I make an Evolution stand-alone Backup only from my Mails?
Can I make an Evolution stand-alone Backup only from my Notes?
Can I make an Evolution stand-alone Backup only from my Contacts?
Can I make an Evolution stand alone Backup only from my Calendar?+
 -  There is an Evolution backup facility which will collect together
all your data and configuration into a single file.

 -  Evolution data and configuration is stored as files in your home
directory - a normal file level backup will keep them safe

 -  Evolution can export it's data in standard formats (MBOX, VCARD,
iCal, etc)

Take your pick.  

And then how glad the backup files?
I know English isn't your first language, but I'm having a hard time
understanding some of the things you are asking.

Now I am looking for a conversion from mbox to mysql
Ah yes, I seem to remember you were obsessed with using MySQL from
previous emails to this list and I've answered you twice already last
year about it.  The answer is no different:

MySQL is a database application.  It, in itself, does not know how to
store data, it is up to the programs that *USE* MySQL to determine how
the data is stored - Evolution is NOT one of those programs, it does not
know how to store data in a database of any form.

Further, there is no "standard" for storing mail in a database. Mail
applications that use a database for storing mail will use their own
format and will have the facilities to import standard formats such as


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