Re: [Evolution] Freeze when saving contact with duplicate email address

Il giorno mar, 09/06/2015 alle 10.05 +0200, Andre Klapper ha scritto:
[Please start a new thread when posting a new topic, instead of
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missed it, sorry!

On Tue, 2015-06-09 at 08:39 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
  if I edit a contact and add to it an email address that is already
stored in another contact, evolution freezes and I can only kill it.
Please file a bug report that includes a stacktrace with debug symbols
and paste the link to the bug report here afterwards.
Well, I am trying to do it but I need some hint for the stacktrace
please. I think I have installed the correct debugging information packages, but I am wondering if I have to 
expect a stacktrace, because my problem is a freeze (program hangs and nothing happens) rather than a crash.

I have run 

gdb /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-addressbook-factory -w

and shortly after

gdb evolution

but both outputs don't seem stack traces to me, according to

Sorry if I don't understand something but I am not an expert,

Thank you,

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