Re: [Evolution] Places where Evolution stores its data

Am Donnerstag, den 28.05.2015, 23:56 +0100 schrieb Pete Biggs: 
Could you PLEASE give the Evolution version you are using.

I've just happened to take a look at the places for Evolution mail and I
don't know what I shall think of it. What I see there is OK in your
opinion - or more simply: Has anybody seen something similar before?
I wouldn't like to format the mail - hope you nevertheless see the
runaway. It is 10 IMAP accounts and 1 NNTP account, that seems to store
meta data and cache on at least
thomas ga-78:~/.local/share/evolution/mail/1420635858 9770 2 ga-78$ find
|wc -l
23737 newsgroups. I'm subscribed to 5 (FIVE) of them. Did Evolution
store the whole server ?
I don't use NNTP, but perhaps those are just the newsgroup names without
any content?  Is there a problem with it?
You suspect correct that there might not be much of content. They all
seem to be 13 bytes ?.-|
-rw-rw-r--  1 thomas thomas   13 Jun 13 11:40 3dfx.glide.linux.cmeta
-rw-rw-r--  1 thomas thomas   13 Jun 13 11:40 3dfx.glide.cmeta
-rw-rw-r--  1 thomas thomas   13 Jun 13 11:40 3dfx.developer.linux.cmeta
-rw-rw-r--  1 thomas thomas   13 Jun 13 11:40 3dfx.developer.cmeta
drwx------ 61 thomas thomas 4,0K Jun  8 20:47 cache/
drwx------ 36 thomas thomas 4,0K Jun  2 14:30 ../
-rw-------  1 thomas thomas 1,2M Jun 14 11:03 .ev-store-summary
drwx------  3 thomas thomas 1,3M Jun 14 17:07 ./
-rw-r--r--  1 thomas thomas 313M Jun 14 17:07 folders.db
More surprising is the -----^^^^313 MB folders.db, but even that isn't
the problem. 
What is your opinion on that ?

Personally, I don't worry about what and how Evolution stores it's own
internal data - the only time I might worry about it is if it is taking
up a lot of resources.  My advice is (a) to not worry about it and (b)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and that is exactly what it does when being
closed. It seems to walk through the complete server hierarchy an do
something like:
DB SQL operation [SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' where read=0 or
read=1] started
Camel SQL Exec:
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' where read=0 or read=1
DB Operation ended. Time Taken : 0,000169

DB SQL operation [SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE junk = 1]
Camel SQL Exec:
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE junk = 1
DB Operation ended. Time Taken : 0,000050

DB SQL operation [SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE deleted =
1] started
Camel SQL Exec:
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE deleted = 1
DB Operation ended. Time Taken : 0,000044

DB SQL operation [SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE read = 0]
Camel SQL Exec:
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE read = 0
DB Operation ended. Time Taken : 0,000041

DB SQL operation [SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE junk = 0
AND deleted = 0] started
Camel SQL Exec:
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE junk = 0 AND deleted = 0
DB Operation ended. Time Taken : 0,000048

DB SQL operation [SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE junk = 1
AND deleted = 0] started
Camel SQL Exec:
SELECT COUNT (*) FROM 'za.unix.misc' WHERE junk = 1 AND deleted = 0
DB Operation ended. Time Taken : 0,000047

DB SQL operation [BEGIN] started
Camel SQL Exec:
Camel SQL Exec:
DELETE FROM folders WHERE folder_name = 'za.unix.misc'
Camel SQL Exec:
INSERT INTO folders VALUES ( 'za.unix.misc', 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, '1 0 0' ) 
Camel SQL Exec:

Why the hell must my system update meta data of South-African Linux
groups that I never even heard of ???

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