Re: [Evolution] Places where Evolution stores its data

On Thu, 2015-05-28 at 21:46 -0400, John Lauterbach wrote:
I am using evolution 3.16.0 under Ubuntu 15.04. I use SpiderOak as 
my remote off-site backup service. The e-mail in Evolution is very 
important to me. In one sense, it is my corporate file cabinet. 
SpiderOak backs-up my evolution and other data files when there are 
changes.  In addition, when I make changes in evolution such as 
adding a folder, I use evolution backup feature.
So, my question is which evolution folders need to be backed up when 
they change in order to minimize data loss if something goes wrong?
If your accounts are IMAP them your mail remains on the server.  The
only thing you really need is the account setup information.

Note - this is just concerning mail, if you have other stuff in
Evolution that is different.

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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