Re: [Evolution] koi8-r as default encoding in from/to headers

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But utf-8 can be converted to 7bit MIME too. Btw Mozilla uses utf8 in
headers by default(or can be set in settings, don't remember). I just
want to set "headers encoding" and understand why so old and
insufficiently encoding is used by default. Notice that koi8 is
Russian-only encoding and utf8 can be used worldwide.
Ah, OK.  You are complaining that it's using koi8 *instead* of utf-8 -
not that it's encoding the header at all.  Sorry, I misunderstood.

Evolution 3.16.5 encodes "ППП" as UTF-8 in the headers on my system:

  To: =?UTF-8?Q?=D0=9F=D0=9F=D0=9F?= 

What is your system locale set to?  Is it 'ru_RU.koi8r'?  If so, try
setting it to 'ru_RU.utf8'.


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