Re: [Evolution] Endless "Empty cache file" errors

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 6:54 PM, Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com> wrote:
On Wed, 2016-08-10 at 22:02 +0300, Robert Munteanu wrote:
Here are just a couple of bugzilla entries related to this issue
you are right, those are the two bugs related to this issue (which may
eventually be merged into one). The thing is that I'm not able to
reproduce it. It would be very helpful, if anyone experiencing this
issue could capture the IMAPx log and either upload it to any of the
bug reports (not both), or sent it directly to me, with a reference to
the older bug report in the message subject.
I am no longer able to reproduce the bug, since this bug motivated me
to finally implement mail filtering server-side using sieve and I gave
up the evolution filters.

However, if no one steps up with a proper log it would be very easy
for me to create an account for you on the server that used to exhibit
the problem.

Just drop me an email off-list if you decide to go this route.



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