Re: [Evolution] Import filetypes

Am Dienstag, den 26.01.2016, 12:31 +0000 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan: 
On Tue, 2016-01-26 at 06:22 -0500, Robert wrote:
How does one import a block of past emails (.eml, or .msg): by
highlighting my list, then dropping or pasting them
into a blank area of Evolution's Inbox or similar folder?? If not,
then I have to go back to TB kicking and screaming 
which is a bear to import.
I'm not familiar with either of these formats, but it's possible that
they are just mbox-style standard messages. If so, you could simply
concatenate them into a file (after uncompressing of course) and try to
import that as an mbox.
I'm afraid, we're in some MS-specific stuff here:

EML = Outlook Express Mail Message
EML files may also be opened in Internet Explorer since they are
formatted the same as .MHT files.

MSG = Outlook Mail Message
Program that opens .MSG files is eg. Mozilla SeaMonkey

I don't remember to have been able to open those in Evolution when
fiddling with it :-(
Tom <tom prost-net de>
ProstNet - Tom

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