Re: [Evolution] control font size of Gnome applications within KDE4 on FreeBSD

On Thu, 2016-01-28 at 09:25 +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
El día Thursday, January 28, 2016 a las 07:30:03AM +0000, Pete Biggs

The font control for Gnome is now in 'gnome-tweak-tool'.
Thanks for that hint. I installed it from the ports, but it gives

$ gnome-tweak-tool 
WARNING : Shell not installed or running

No window comes up. Amy idea?

I suspect that the lack of Gnome Shell is causing it problems -
much of
the functionality of gnome-tweak-tool is to do with Gnome Shell.
What is the Gnome Shell exactly?
It's the name for the Gnome window manager.  From the man page:

     GNOME shell provides core user interface functions for the GNOME 3
     desktop, like switching to windows and launching applications. 

 Some background service or something
like a "terminal" wherein gnome-tweak-tool must be started? I'm
because there is a port in FreeBSD...
If you ran Gnome shell you would be running Gnome not KDE, which I
presume you don't actually want to do.


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