Re: [Evolution] Evolution is not communicating with the Gnome Keyring

On Sun, 2016-07-03 at 18:40 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
Which desktop manager? In F24 the default for KDE is SDDM, which
works with gnome-keyring-daemon (it didn't used to). AFAIK KDM is
deprecated so check that first. Also, make sure g-k-d is running of
I believe I am running SDDM and the gnome-keyring daemon is running.

$ dnf list installed '*kdm*'
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:07 ago on Sun Jul  3 18:25:35

Error: No matching Packages to list

$ dnf list installed '*sddm*'

Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:17 ago on Sun Jul  3 18:25:35

Installed Packages

sddm.x86_64         0.13.0-7.fc24  @koji-override-0

sddm-breeze.noarch   5.6.5-2.fc24  @updates         
sddm-kcm.x86_64      5.6.5-1.fc24  @updates         

That just means that SDDM is installed, not that it's running. You
could be running GDM, KDM, or any of several others. Try this:

systemctl status sddm

$ pgrep key | xargs ps
Not sure why you're using xargs. Just do:

pgrep -fl keyring


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