Re: [Evolution] Evolution is not communicating with the Gnome Keyring

On Mon, 2016-07-04 at 10:19 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
On Sun, 2016-07-03 at 11:07 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
This is new behavior, up till 2-July, a pop-up box would be displayed
once when evolution started, requesting my own password, which would
(I believe) open communications between evolution and Gnome Keyring.
 After this one message, evolution would have access to the
it sounds like your session login did not unlock the default (login)
keyring, thus you are asked for that password, which unlocks it and
lets the applications access it. Try to open seahorse (sometimes called
Passwords and Keys in the GUI) and check what keyrings you've defined
and which are unlocked by on session login.

Maybe also try to ask Google with "evolution keyring kde", which gives
some hits, more or less related.
Googling yielded a useful suggestion.  

Stopping evolution, using seahorse to delete current entries for "Default
Keyring" and restarting evolution made the problem go away (at least so far).
Any idea why it worked?  I believe the passwords in the keyring were correct,
but the evidence is now lost.

Thanks for your help - jon

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