Re: [Evolution] Color of selected text...


On Wed, 18 May 2016 09:29:14 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
Note that you can build against one version of the library and run
against another, especially when the two library versions do not change
I already explained this, but my mails are censored. However, the sense
of building against the soname is, that there should be no issues, if
backwards-compatibility gets dropped, then the soname should change,
IOW should become GTK4. Dropping backwards-compatibility without
increasing the soname is plain wrong.

"If the interface of a library changes in such a way that the dependent
programs would be broken, the soname would be incremented, e.g. from to" - .

Your distribution should have some sort of build system, where users
might be able to check what sources had been used to build the package
and what packages had been installed when the build was made. For
example Fedora has Koji ( ), Arch
Linux has something else (I do not use Arch Linux, I do not have a
No, Arch Linux has nothing like that, however, the OP is using Debian

Arch Linux packages follow releases from upstream, it's a _real_
rolling release. If the soname of a dependency didn't change, then
packages will not be rebuild, unless somebody reports a bug.

Actually there is the above explained reason, that the "NEEDED" lib is, against what ever dot release it was linked at build

If it was build against 3.18, nothing should break when 3.20 is
provided at runtime.

[rocketmouse archlinux ~]$ objdump -p /usr/lib/ | grep libgtk

Arch packages usually don't provide release information for the
dependencies, for the above explained reason.

[rocketmouse archlinux ~]$ grep epend /var/abs/extra/webkitgtk/PKGBUILD 
depends=(libxt libxslt sqlite libsoup enchant libgl geoclue2 gst-plugins-base-libs
makedepends=(gtk3 gtk2 gperf gobject-introspection python2 mesa ruby)
optdepends=('gst-plugins-base: free media decoding'
  optdepends+=('gtk2: Netscape plugin support')

Debian and Ubuntu come with the Debian tracker.

"libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.20.0)" -

IOW the current version in testing _is_ build against 3.20. The OP
mentioned to use 2.4.11-1 yesterday, so the OP today should run

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade


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