Re: [Evolution] Evolution stopped fetching e-mails after Linux update

On Sat, 2017-02-25 at 21:13 -0300, Mauricio de Andrade Ramos Mauricio
Hello list, after an update of my Linux Centos 6.8, I started having
trouble to download/receive my e-mails using evolution client (now in
version 2.32.3). The first symptoms were just being able to download
2 or 3 messages at a time, then the process seems to hang, downloads
nothing more and, at last, an error is shown at the status bar (at
the bottom of the client). Until some days ago, I was able to stop
the download of the messages and restart the procedure, so I was
fetching 2 or 3 messages at a time (never was able to fetch more than
3) but since a few days ago, the client totally stopped fetching
messages.I already tried to run evolution in debug mode but was
unable to retrieve from it any valueable information. The pop/smtp
servers did not change. I do not know what is going on. Can someone
help me out?
What is the exact error message?
How exactly did you "run evolution in debug mode"?

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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