Re: [Evolution] Evolution stopped fetching e-mails after Linux update

On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 19:40:08 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 09:03:50 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:  
Perhaps at the same time you upgraded Evolution, just by
random the Email provider changed the server settings.      
Right, that's what happened here, it's just a coincidence of the
server side change and the user system update.

I decided to disable support for all POP3 extensions by default, which
will affect only newly created accounts. The correct fix is to report
this to Yahoo! support centre and let them fix the server, thus if
anyone could do it, then it would be much better.    
Hi Milan,

disabling it by default is a good idea, also consider to add it to the
FAQ. IMO it's not worth to throw pearls before swine, IOW not to get in
contact with Yahoo. Yahoo tries to excuse their failure by now sending
emails to all users, recommending to stop using insecure mail clients
and instead to use their web interface + to use stronger passwords.
It's ridiculous, they were hacked, because they had bad luck and/or
because they did a bad job. They were not hacked because users
preferred MUAs over their web interface or because users used weak
passwords. Failure of a MUA or weak passwords would affect individual
users of Yahoo, but Yahoo was hacked. That's the whole boring story ;).
Actually I'm using Rocketmail, but Rocketmail was taken over by Yahoo.
For sentimental reasons I'll keep my Rocketmail accounts, but Zoho and
a few other free as in beer providers do a better job nowadays.

PS: I don't have access to Evolution at the moment, but now Claws
stopped to be able to retrieve mails from Rocketmail and Yahoo ;). I'm
not willing to troubleshoot. "Please try again later" :D. I suspect
Yahoo commits suicide :D, expecting their users are willing to continue
to stay with Yahoo, instead of migrating to another free as in beer
provider. Apart from the web interface Yahoo most likely provides apps
for portable devices, too. Maybe they think that we will stay with Yahoo
and drop MUAs. Pff, more likely everybody used to apps and web
interfaces will use some social thingy and won't use an email provider
at all, while dinos like me, never ever will drop MUAs such as Claws,
Evolution and whatsoever.

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