Re: [Evolution] ews calendar backend error - "The property has an invalid value."

Answers are inline.

I hope you've still the log somewhere. Search it for the error, then
look above the error, where should be a GetItem request. Its content

I can recreate it ;). 
I sent you a private email with the link to the file where i've put the
GetItem request - the only thing which looks interesting that all ItemId
nodes seems to have the same Id.

 The server basically says that evolution-ews tries to
receive an item which doesn't exist or its (probably) UID is somehow
garbled. It can be also due to local cache being broken for some
reason, but I do not want to speculate on it.

It was a complete fresh installation and cache was empty.

The last resort would be to delete ~/.cache/evolution/calendar/ when
evolution-calendar-factory is off (which is a challenge when one uses
GNOME Shell, because it keeps restarting the process when it is
closed/killed), then the next start the local cache is populated from
scratch and only UIDs returned from the server are used.

I'll refrain from removing it yet until you tell me its a good idea to
do it :), maybe we need some additional logs from the current "state".

Of course, it'll be good to figure out what the root cause of the
is and whether your state is valid and should be taken care of in the
code, rather than with such complicated user actions.

I'll second that - just tell me what stuff i can provide to get the root


Thanks for your help Milan, i'll hope we get this solved.


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