Re: [Evolution] SNI for "other" DEs

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve>
Para: evolution-list gnome org
Asunto: Re: [Evolution] SNI for "other" DEs
Fecha: Mon, 17 Dec 2018 15:35:07 +0000

On Mon, 2018-12-17 at 15:07 +0100, Roy wrote:
De: Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve>
Para: evolution-list gnome org

What is SNI?

Sorry, I should have recognized the ambivalence. StatusNotifierItem -
the standard that is replacing Xembed systray notification. Plasma
shifted to these a couple of years ago, along with Enlightenment.

At the moment I am running stalonetray in Mageia 7 for another
indicator, and Evo's task/appointment reminder appears there, but not
in the E systray. Some programs have incorporated the change, some
separate packages (e.g.,pidgin-indicator).

Ah, and Patrick, I was thinking of you as I recall seeing that you
shifted to KDE after Gnome Shell appeared. Do you have a systray
indicator in Plasma?
I've actually never used Gnome in any of its incarnations (other than
very briefly to test something). It's always been KDE/Plasma. I have an
appointment reminder that appears when an appointment is pending but is
otherwise hidden, but no mail notifier. I don't recall actually
configuring it (unless it was a long time ago). I have Evo permanently
open in its own virtual desktop and just glance at it from time to


Yes, it is the appointment reminder I am looking for. It makes sense
that it appears in KDE as it started the appindicator standard.

The indicator is a help, but I confess that my main interest is
clarifying this and having it working for the next stable release
Mageia (probably early Feb).

Just downloaded the source code an glanced at the alarm-notify module,
but I am no coder, so nothing jumped out at me . . . .

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