Re: [Evolution] Evolution backups: is there a max size of the evolution-backup-20171231.tar.gz file

On Sun, 2017-12-31 at 17:44 -0900, glenn wrote:
Backups are every 3 or 4 months to capture emails + attachments. So, I
gather that there are no file size or segmentation issues that would
limit the size of produced evolution-backup.tar.gz files? Thanks. 
[Please don't top-post on the list]

Is this by any chance a 32-bit installation? That's the only reason I
can think of for a size limit on files, but IIRC 3.20 already fixed
that. Note that 3.20 is still quite old. The current version is 3.26 so
you're about 3 years out of date. It's definitely worth upgrading if
you can.


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