Re: [Evolution] How to automatically forward invitations?

On Mon, 2017-12-18 at 10:11 +0100, Christophe-Marie Duquesne wrote:
'header-contains:Content-Type=text/calendar', I do not get all the
messages I want to filter (close to zero matches).

the header test is for the message itself, not for its subparts, as you
found out.

I try a filter based on "label:$has_cal".

The $has_cal is not a real label, it's just a hint for the evolution UI
that the message contains a text/calendar attachment, and it's usually
set/updated only after the message is downloaded and/or viewed in the
UI, thus far from the place where filters are run.

I do not see any way to check subparts of the message. Try to find some
other pattern of the messages with an invitation, like some of mine
contain X-Calendar-Attachment header, even when the calendar attachment
is not the main part of the message.

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