Re: [Evolution] [SPAM] Re: Combining "/sent" mail directories in different user accounts

On Sat, 2018-07-28 at 10:54 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 23:03:48 +0000, Hollowell, Glenn J (DFG) wrote:
Roger that. I've just got a pile of emails on one laptop in a
account that I want to move to a different laptop, different user.
Ok, now I understand. If it shouldn't be IMAP accounts, it still
be possible to select several emails at once for saving them as a
single mbox file and then to import it by the other computer's MUA.

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Probably the easiest solution is the use one of the utilities designed
for moving files between computers. Especially as they are both
laptops, ie portable and may not be powered up all the time.

If rsync is installed on both laptops it can be run by cron or anacron
to move the files from one laptop to the other as soon as both are
powered up, without any intervention from the user.
it can be configured to delete the source files and to run in a secure
 Best wishes /73 
 Richard Bown
 Email : richard g8jvm com

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