Re: [Evolution] strange spamassasin problem

My Mail provider uses spamassasin on their platform, and I can see from
the headers that its not being marked as spam there.
Being Devil's advocate - if your provider is spam filtering, why are
you even bothering with it on your own machines?  Just turn it off.

If I send mail to wife g8jvm com and immediately exit Evo, and then
monitor its delivery on the webmail site of the mail provider and two
android clients, the email lands in my wife inbox.
when I start Evo , using IMAP on all clients, as soon as Evo syncs with
server, the email also appears in the junk folder on Evo and on the
webmail server, also appears on both the android clients too.
Check in Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Preferences -> Junk to see if you
are accidentally filtering on something you shouldn't (or possibly a
filter elsewhere).  For a while I filtered mail on the presence of the
'X-Spam-Flag' header; then my server side spam filter decided to always
add that header even if it wasn't spam so everything ended up as spam. 
So I had to change it to filter on a specific value of that header.

I have downloaded the stable tarball for 3.28, but I'm running a
Cinnamon DM so not sure how well it integrates , it maybe why Mint have
held the Evo version at 3.18.
You need more than just the Evolution tarball - you need at least
evolution-data-server as well, and that has dependencies within Gnome
3.28. It's not something for the feint hearted - if it was a simple
process to have Evolution out of sync with the underlying Gnome version
 more distros would do it!

If you really want to try to build it yourself, the instructions are

or using flatpack


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