Re: [Evolution] glib 2.54.1 requierd for 3.31 ?

On Wed, 2018-11-14 at 14:12 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
Oh, I see. I figured you used gitlab's infra. But then why did the
not inherit the old accounts ?
What does that mean? This is a discussion for desktop-devel-list maybe
if not covered by
Migraion from GNOME Bugzilla to GNOME Gitlab is not Evo-specific and
Evo maintainers were not involved in the decision making process.
Note that GNOME Bugzilla accounts were not tied to LDAP while Gitlab
accounts are, but LDAP accounts already existed when GNOME Bugzilla was
still used, plus someone needs to volunteer to write and test migration
scripts, and probably more reasons. (I'm assuming because I've twice
migrated tickets, projects and accounts from one issue tracking system
to another in my life, but Gitlab itself was not involved.)

In any case, IMO bug reports should go to the bug tracker.
They get lost on mailing lists. :)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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