Re: [Evolution] Evolution or gnome files

On 2018-11-13 at 15:43 +0100, Tibor Attila Anca via evolution-list

I use Gnome 3.30 and Evolution 3.30 on Fedora 29. I recently observed
the following problem.

I've got some E-Mails with 5 to 7 large pictures which I want to save in
a certain directory. If i chose the first message it loads instantly,
saving is no time done. But at least by the third message the save as
dialogue slows down. Means: it takes a few minutes to display the files
already present in the folder and the path is also not visible. I
remember to already have had something like this with evolution 3.28.

I'm not really sure weather this is a problem of gnome files, gnome
shell or evolution. Did someone else notice this behaviour?

Hello Tibor

Some ideas for further testing:

If you restart evolution, is it fast again?

Is there any difference if you change to saving into an empty folder
again (eg. move the files somewhere else from the terminal) ?

Do those ~21 files fill up the window? Is a preview block being shown?

I hypothesize that the Save as dialog may be trying to show a preview of
those large images (only of the selected one? Caching all the images on
the folder?) which would then slow it down.
In that case, I would consider it a gtk+ issue.

Note however that this is just speculation, it is just the only reason I
could come up for experiencing what you reported.

Best regards

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