Re: [Evolution] Adjusting font size of calendar display

On Thu, 2018-09-06 at 08:48 +0100, Axel G.Rossberg wrote:
Thus, it appear that the font used to display dates in evolution
calendar is somehow derived from a gnome system font, the font size
and text positioning are computed correctly, but when actually
rendering the font on the screen the step of applying the font
scaling factor is missing.
that's possible, especially with 3.18.x you have. Just note that
evolution recently released 3.30.0 stable version, but 3.28.x (the
previous stable series) might be also fine to test with.

I recall there had been some changes in text drawing in the calendar
view for the parts where the respective events are drawn, which may or
may not help. I'd only mention that fractional scale is definitely
better handled with more recent gtk+ and all the other related projects
evolution depends on. I hope your distribution does not mix most recent
stable libraries with outdated evolution. That would be unfortunate.

I do not know whether it'll work for you, but could you try to set the
font scaling to 1 and run evolution from a terminal as:
   $ GDK_SCALE=2 evolution
please? That might help a bit, I guess. This variable doesn't support
fractional scaling, at least the 3.18.x, as far as I know.
GNOME Tweak Tool has a setting for the overall scaling too, not only
for the fonts, which behave similarly as the above environment
variable, except it's set for the whole desktop.

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