Re: [Evolution] [Evolution 3.28.x] ews calendar backend error - "ErrorAccessDenied" / "Access is denied. Check credentials and try again."

Am Freitag, den 14.09.2018, 11:11 +0200 schrieb Milan Crha via
Maybe if you try the curl command with credentials from
the calendar owner it'll show you what the event it about.

Found the entry in question in the source calendar and tried different


Its a recurring event. If I open the series it works. If I want to open
just the current occurrence it fails with:

You don't have permission to perform this action.

But the series is fine.

*Evolution 3.10.x:*

It does show the entry in question in the overview and I can open the
appointment there and it shows the same details (description, attendees
etc.) like OWA if I choose the whole series in OWA.
I am not asked if I want to open the series or just the occurrence.

*Evolution 3.28.x:*

Does not show that entry at all.

Outlook itself:

Just behaves like Evolution 3.10.x.

Sounds like a regression, does this info help - would be nice if we can
get the behaviour of evolution 3.10.x back as it does match what
Outlook does and what OWA does for the whole series.

@Milan: Anything I should debug / try on my old 3.10.x installation to
help you with this topic?



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