Re: [Evolution] Building the latest Evolution from the sources

Am Donnerstag, den 01.08.2019, 12:42 +0000 schrieb Reid Thompson via
On Thu, 2019-08-01 at 13:24 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

On Thu, 2019-08-01 at 14:06 +0200, Volker Wysk wrote:

I'm using an Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS system. I encountered bugs in
evolution, and I'm wondering if it would be feasible to build the
latest version from the sources.

i scripted most of this for my use...

see/read the attached scripts

in all scripts, change all the lines containing rthompso to something
appropriate for your system

in the runit script, delete everything after the invocation to start
Thanks a lot!

But I'm missing some list of libraries and versions which must be
installed for the build. I've run into this:

-- Checking for module 'gobject-introspection-1.0'
--   No package 'gobject-introspection-1.0' found
CMake Error at cmake/modules/PkgConfigEx.cmake:32 (message):
  Necessary libraries not found or not enough version.  If you want to
  disable GObject introspection, please use -DENABLE_INTROSPECTION=OFF
  argument to cmake command.

Would you have happened to write down some list?


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