Re: [Evolution] Evolution Calendar Appointment Reminder Behavior in Linux Mint 19.2

On Wed, 2019-08-21 at 09:26 +0100, Siv wrote:

I upgraded to Mint 19.2 and I have noticed that Evo notifications do
not pop up, they just stay in the task bar.  I had one that was
there and switched through all 4 workspaces and the notification was
_not_ showing popped up in any of them.  However when I clicked the
icon in the taskbar in workspace 1 the notification does pop up and
appear in workspace 1.

you can change whether the window with the reminders is shown
immediately or not in Evolution, in menu Edit->Preferences->Calendar
and Tasks->Reminders tab, at the very top of it.

The notification as such, the popup which usually disappears few
seconds later, is not shown by Evolution, Evolution relies on the
desktop environment to do it (using glib's GNotification API, not
libnotify directly).

Hope it helps.

I checked my calendar settings as you suggested and there was a tick on
"Display reminders in notification area only" which I am sure in Mint
19.1 before I upgraded to Mint 19.2 was off, but I am not 100% sure of
that I may be wrong.  Now that I have unticked that, the notifications
do now pop up in Workspace 1 rather than staying as an icon in the
system tray area.  This is what changed between Mint 19.1 and 19.2 and
why I commented on the OP's question as I had noticed a difference in
behaviour when I upgraded.


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