Re: [Evolution] validating an evolution ICS file

Hello Ralf,

El día Monday, July 08, 2019 a las 07:36:45AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list escribió:

so "/usr/lib/evolution" means that Ubuntu phones don't use containers,
it's a more or less "regular" Ubuntu install, with the "usual"
filesystem hierarchy?
Yes, the file system hierarchy is more or less the standard one, but
/root and /usr ... all mounted read-only and the system's user land is
not provided as apt-get installed packages, but a full image. I have
even a full copy of this installed in the phone below my HOME to jump to
there with chroot(1) for doing tests a ports of additional applications (like
mutt or tcpdump or GnuPG, ...) which I then use from outside the
chrooted system with special LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings, etc.

The apps are snap or click installed, the display is crontrolled by a
MIR server (no X11).

If I understand the FAQ correctly ( )
is based upon an Android kernel, but with apps of a more or less regular
Ubuntu 15.04 (EOL February 4, 2016) and there are plans to migrate to
16.04 (End of Standard Support April 2021), after the migration
Evolution is version
( )?
Since some OTA (Over The Air update) from UBports the system is based on
Ubuntu 16.04, on top of an Android kernel with some special hybris-lib
translating normal Linux sys calls into Andoid ones. The Evolution is
3.18 (at least I see this with strings in the binaries).

This would be good to know. If so, next time an Ubuntu phone user
will sent a request, the subscribers of this mailing list could help
with troubleshooting, by using the same hints, as for any other Linux
distro install on a PC or laptop. The phone user's just need to be
aware that Evolution and dependencies are very old and beyond getting
help with troubleshooting, they are on their own, since fixes for issues
may already be provided by more current versions of Evolution.

As far as I know you are the first Ubuntu phone user sending a request,
so I apologize for the cluelessness and I apologize for my slightly
rough undertone.
As far as I know, me and my family (4 devices) are the only Ubuntu phone
users which I do know off in Germany :-) 
I'm used to rough undertones, when they provide help. My only idea to
bring this up here, was the validity of the ICS file. It seems now that
the problem is elsewhere, in the clock-app or the Unity8. I will not
debug this further.

I'm desperately awaiting as a substitute the Libre 5 phone,
complete based on Linux without any Adroid blob in it, which I bought in
the pre-sales in October 2017 and which is due to deliver in Q3 of this
year. We will see.



Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru unixarea de, +49-176-38902045
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