Re: [Evolution] Spam error message

Interesting comment here.  I hope I interpreted it correctly.

It seems to be ok now if I pust just one character in the text area of
the forwarded email.  No idea why, but, blind forwarding seems to be
the problem.  It is not my provider as suggested by someone else and I
never thought that was the issue.  I just don't know why it has started
doing this.

Thank you for the Arch detour.  Fortunately it doesn't apply here.

I frequently blind forward msgs between my laptops so they are for my
info only.  I totally understand the annoyance of getting a message
where its not clear what the hell its being forwarded for.

Thanks for the replies.  So far so good with this small fix.

On Tue, 2019-05-21 at 08:32 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Tue, 2019-05-21 at 09:17 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
I suspect if it's only forwarded messages, and you forward them "as
attachment" and add no other content, then that's what's triggering

Agree, that will definitely get you SPAM points.

Aside: as an additional point of e-mail etiquette: don't blind
messages.  Put some context in there.  I get frequent blind forwards
from people as I am the executive chair of two non-profits - and it
annoying.  Am I'm supposed to be able to intuit why someone thought I
needed to see some random message?  I summarily delete them; if the
sender cannot be bothered to write even a single sentence of context
then it cannot be that important.

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