Re: [Evolution] Assign Color, Move | Move, Assign Color Action - Filter

On Tue, 2019-10-01 at 21:39 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Tue, 2019-10-01 at 12:14 +0000, Justin Musgrove wrote:
What is the correct action order to set the color and move to a
the Move operation basically stops processing, because the source
message is non-existent after the move. That means that the Move
be after all other actions on the message.

The colors are kind of special thing, stored only locally. It's
possible the color was not "inherited" to the destination message.
Contrary, labels can be stored on the server (when it supports it),
thus they can survive, because the server moves them over together
the message.

The set colors do work every time using the "Select All, C-y" method
after the move is completed.
It's because it changes the destination message info, not the source
message info.

I tried it here, with the current development version (to be 3.35.1).
noticed that the message in the destination folder had set the color
after it had been moved, but when I entered the destination folder the
EWS recognized there was some change and it refreshed the folder
content, together with the local information for the new message,
resulted in the lost of the color information stored on the message
info (I noticed the color was there when I entered the folder, then
message flashed and it was back in usual color).

Maybe the color tag could be special-cased on the evolution-ews side.
do not know whether there are more affected.

Feel free to file a bug at:


Excellent explanation. Submitted #71


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