Re: [Evolution] deleted/cancelled recurring events are shown

On Tue, 2019-10-29 at 12:03 +0100, Michael Hirmke wrote:
mybe, but the problem here is not with exceptions from recurring
events, but for all recurring events.

to delete/cancel an instance of a recurring event, that
deleted/cancelled instance should be recorded somewhere. It's done by
an "exception". This exception can have a replacement (a detached
instance) or not. When it doesn't, then the instance is not shown in
the view.

The 3.34.2 (where this is fixed) is planned around the last week in
November, which is quite far away from today. I do not know whether
you've a chance to apply custom patches to Evolution, or whether you
can ask your distro maintainer to do it for you, to give the change a
try. Even though the 3.34.2 would be better, due to other semi-related
changes landing there as well.

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