On Mon, 2019-09-16 at 14:15 -0500, Japhering, Anonymous via evolution-
list wrote:
> I write an email, attach a 700k file, evolution hangs with the
> message uploading files.
> Hang time is 3-10 minutes depending on the target ( 3-5 minutes to
> gmail/g-suite, 5-10 minutes to Office 365),
> at which point I get a generic failure message an the option to
> continue editing, discard or retry.
with "uploading files", do you mean after you Send the message, or when
you select the file to be attached? If the former, is the file already
downloaded in the message? That's indicated in the attachment bar, the
attachment icon shows a "progress indicator" when it is loading/saving.
Sorry.. poor description on my part.
I write the email, go through the process of attaching the file, I see the attachment in the attachements bar. Upon clicking send, while waiting the indeterminate amount of time ( varies per service ), I see
in the send status section the text "Uploading Files".
When you say generic failure error, how that that look, please?
The error across 4 different email services is a dialog which says
An error occurred while sending. How do you want to proceed?
The reported error was "Could not connect to < service > Socket I/O timed out".
 and today .. it is happening on all emails.  When I wrote the original email it was only happening on emails
with attachments.
The confusing part is that NOTHING else is having issues.  As I write this I've started ssh connections to 6 machines inÂ
6 different data centers ( 3 different cloud services ), started and stopped vpns to 6 different countries, slack is running to
5 different channels and probably a dozen other things relying on connectivity, but none of them having issues
you run the evolution from a terminal (flatpak run org.gnome.Evolution),
are there any runtime warnings shown when you try to send/upload to the
Testing starting from a terminal, rather than the Mint menu is on schedule this afternoon. Customer meetings for the next 4 hours.
I'm wondering whether the behavior depends not only on the file size,
but also file type.
Yesterday. attachments only .. jpg, png and pdf, all failed.  Today, everything is failing from Evolution, which is why this emailÂ
is coming through Gmail web interface ( 0 for 6 email attempts from Evolution this morning).
> If I continue editing and save as draft, when I come back to the
> draft, I'm offered the ability to add an attachment, but
> the system with won't take it or isn't displaying it in the
> attachment bar ( don't know which at this point ).
It looks like the attachment was not loaded yet.
I do not have 3.32.x flatpak here, the version had been updated to
3.34.0, which you can get if you re-download the json script/flatpak
manifest from the repository.
I'll try a refresh this afternoon.
What versions of xdg-desktop-portal packages you've installed, please?
I have xdg-desktop-portal-1.2.0-3.fc30.x86_64,
and with them and 3.34.0 flatpak build I can successfully upload 1.8MB
log file to a message (which loaded instantly into the composer) and
send it using Gmail SMTP. I'd say either it's something with the portal
(probably xdg-desktop-portal-gtk) or some odd setting for the SMTP
xdg-desktop-portal           1.2.0-flatpak3-bionic
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk        1.2.0-flatpak1-bionic
xdg-desktop-portal-kde       not installed