Re: [Evolution] change request

On Thu, 2019-09-19 at 17:17 +0200, Gary Curtin wrote:
I am running out the door, so will submit my request on gitlab when I
return after the weekend and that is all. 
maybe if you can reply to my questions, before you open a bug, it'll be
appreciated. It may save time to you.

So I am considered a troll, whatever that is? I will not reply to the
list again.
I only expressed my opinion and feeling. I also said I can be wrong.

By the way, is the reason you keep typing at the top here, despite
being kindly asked to not do that, that your Thunderbird/68.1.0 doesn't
support moving cursor below quoted text, or because it doesn't have
option to start typing at bottom, or...

Also, I just updated the wiki page [1] and changed "Bugs can be
filled..." to "Bugs and feature requests can be filled...". You are
right, it could be confusing.
        Thanks and bye,

P.S.: Private mails do not help others, not talking that private mails
can be lost on the recipient side, like in a spam folder, then if
people write important things in private for something and expect
response, they might not get a reply, because the recipient doesn't
even know that anything had been send to him/her. I mean, even there
are legitimate reasons to move from a public place to private mails
(like sensitive data exchange), if a discussion started in public it
should stay in public.


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