Re: [Evolution] Evolution discussion (Ubuntu) - Search results

On Wed, 2020-12-16 at 21:55 +0100, theapplepie differentmail com wrote:
is why I am trying to find out why the question regarding the mentioned
problem did not find its way to this mailing list but was rather
sitting idle in a general forum for a year.
Because random folks love to post their random stuff in random places.
It's the interwebs: I'm happy to put and share my opinion anywhere! :)

(It's not necessarily a bad thing: I'm not unhappy if some folks first
post their stuff in the forum of their Linux distro instead of posting
their [potentially clueless] stuff in upstream places. Especially if
their distro may like to brand itself as so user-friendly that it'll
likely also provide really great support to its users in its forums.)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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