Re: [Evolution] REQ: better "Message location" condition in serach folders

Am Samstag, den 04.07.2020, 18:43 +0200 schrieb Andre Klapper:

On Sat, 2020-07-04 at 18:06 +0200, Volker Wysk wrote:
I'm trying to build a search folder which will find my personal
(no mailing lists) and only my personal mail. I've figured out that
could be done using a condition on the "message location". I have
my mailing list folders in a common superfolder, so I would need a
condition "message location is no subfolder of ...".

Therefore I'd like to request a feature: Make the "message
condition more flexible, such that not only folders, but also
hirarchies can be tested.
I'd propose to either use the "Mailing List" filter condition instead
(though I have no idea if it accepts wildcards), or to use the
"Specific Header ... exists" condition. For common list headers, see
This won't work. The messages which I sent to some mailing list, are
stored in the Sent folder. They don't get any Mailing-List header. Only
when I receive it back, it has a "List-Id" or similar header and is
stored in the respective mailing list folder.


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