Re: [Evolution] Evolution-backup gone after Mint upgrade to 20

On Tue, 2020-07-28 at 05:36 +0100, Michelle via evolution-list wrote:
I've just upgraded Mint to 20 and Evolution is now 3.36.3-0ubuntu1 

However, I was using /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-backup to perform an
automatic backup of my e-mail (plus, filter rules, account settings.
etc., not just the e-mails themselves) twice a week (more regularly
than my whole home folder) ... and it seems to have gone.

What's the replacement please, how do I get it back or is it just a
case of waiting for catch-up?
Other answers have explained this, however I want to point out (not for
the first time on the list) that the "backup" option in Evolution is a
misnomer, i.e. its name is misleading. It's not intended for regular
backups of your mail and in fact is a very poor substitute for a proper
backup system. It's intended to be used when you want to move your mail
to a new machine, and even then is mostly useful for people with POP
accounts (for IMAP it's not really necessary), it copies everything
(not just what has changed since the last time) but doesn't copy
contact information, etc.

You should have a real (automated) backup system in place that saves
your home directory, and that will be more reliable, more complete, and
more efficient.


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