Re: [Evolution] Not marking unread messages read

Thanks Milan,

I'll apply that.

I'm gonna give Fedora 33 a few more weeks before upgrading. I look
forward to new Evolution too :-)

Thanks again.

On Thu, 2020-11-05 at 17:34 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Thu, 2020-11-05 at 16:02 +0100, Mark Stanton wrote:
Is this a known bug, a bug at all, or simply showing I've set
something up incorrectly?
there is a hidden option to always mark as read. It's off by default.
Some users prefer to have messages marked on an explicit selection in
the folder, some not. The default is better when all the messages in
the chosen folder are marked as unread. Or not, it depends on
respective users' preference. If I recall correctly, the default was
chosen to not change the behavior before the option was added.

Run this on the terminal to change it:
   $ gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.mail mark-seen-always true

Hope it helps.

P.S: you are right, the 3.36.5 is quite recent. The latest stable
is 3.38.1, part of Fedora 33. Your issue won't fix by an

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