Re: [Evolution] Office 365 with Multi Factor Authentication and unfriendly Active Directory Admins


The question is how can I get the settings I need to make this

if I recall correctly, you cannot. It's the company administrators
whom have privileges to create an application in the Azure web
interface and set it up with the tenant. Regular users cannot do it.

My situation is the same since July. The workaround I use is to set a
forward from my university's email to another account and use that
account with Evolution. Yet, it is a hack and for outgoing messages
that require the university account in the sender spot I have to resort
to Outlook online.

It doesn't matter much, because EWS is dead for the Office365 server
Do not worry, the Microsoft Graph API looks promising. It doesn't
seem to know everything what the EWS does, but it is also simpler,
thus maybe it'll work. I've just begun to explore what it can do. 
Does this apply to Calendar and Address Book? That is, my workaround is
ok for email, but for calendar and to access the global address book I
have to use Outlook online all the time.
To clarify my question: based on your tests so far, does Evolution can
access the Office 365 Calendar and Address book?

Some preliminar testing will be appreciated, as always. 
If you do not mind, I'll contact you off list with some simple code
to test, once I have any (that would be for the authentication part,
to check my guesses).
I volunteer to help with testing too in case you need.


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