Re: [Evolution] stuck with ubuntu20

On Mon, 2020-09-14 at 14:30 +0200, Max Malycha wrote:
It seems like your evolution is starting in offline-mode or cannot
read your IMAP-credentials from the keyring.
the log shows some activity on the wire, thus evo is not offline. I'd
guess something about proxy settings, but as there is some activity,
it's not it. I'd suggest to install debuinfo for evolution-data-server
(I think it's libcamel-1.2-dbg in the Ubuntu-verse), and then get a
backtrace of the running Evolution to see what it is waiting for. You
can get the backtrace with command like this:
   $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=`pidof evolution` &>bt.txt
Please check the bt.txt for any private information, like passwords,
email address, server addresses,... I usually search for "pass" at
least (quotes for clarity only).

It can be as you said, some problem with the GNOME keyring. Check
whether gnome-keyring-daemon is running. I guess it was the reason for
the previous "run later after login" issue.

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