Re: [Evolution] Auto Select First Message in List

On Wed, 2021-07-07 at 12:35 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
Yes, I see. It's still very visually ambiguous as they both appear to
be selected.
I agree, though it's a question of the theme. I do not like unfocused
GtkTreeView draws as focused, in contrast to the message list, which,
at least here, changes the selection color from blue to gray when I
move away from it.

Is there a programmatic way of changing the focus to the
message instead of the folder?
Yes, there is. Would it be the message or the message list? Both have
its pros and cons.

And add (say) right-arrow as a shortcut to manually select the
highlighted message.
The Tab or F6 are the standard keys to move between widgets in the gtk+

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