Re: [Evolution] dictionaries in Evolution

Hi and welcome!

On Sun, 2021-09-05 at 11:04 +0200, bug q. contri wrote:
I am coming from the Thunderbird world where I could easily make
entries into a custom dictionary.

Is there such a possibility - still hidden to me - in Evolution and

Alternatively I can imagine to edit the dictionaries I am using and add
the needed words there. (Mainly German for all words with the German
Umlauts; I write on a Japanese keyboard and never typed Umlauts.)
Where are the dictionaries for languages located? 
How are they called? 
How can they be edited?
Location depends on your distribution. For general info, see
How to edit hunspell dictionary files or how to create and install a
custom one might be a good question for a hunspell forum; see e.g.


Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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