Re: [Evolution] Have I pushed Evolution beyond where it is designedto go?

So, did you run a different/newer version of Evolution before going
back to using the default version for your OS?  (Note that I don't
if the flatpak version uses the same data locations now - I don't use
flatpak at all, so someone with more knowledge will be able to say.)

I did not run a newer version prior to this. I said that clearly and I
really have no reason to lie. I was trying to solve a problem. Why lie?

The logs that you sent in this message:

indicate that the underlying databases are from a newer version of
Evolution than you are trying to run.  Lines such as:

   Nov 6 12:36:44 blackbox evolution[11523]: .... error message was: table 
                Inbox has 30 columns but 28 values were supplied

Now this could be because you have run a newer version on the machine
"blackbox" before importing the data, or the data you imported is from
a newer version.

You say you didn't knowingly run a newer version, and I have no reason
to disbelieve you, but the underlying fact, and probably the source of
your issues, is that the database schema are the wrong version. Did you
experiment with other distros before settling on Debian, but kept the
same home directory?

Nevertheless, Milan has given you all the information you need to
up your configuration to start anew. 

I am stuck with the flatpak version until Debian roles out the version
I need and then, I pray that once I export again, it will import
without another blow up. I honestly do not understand about the
comment, "Milan has given you all the information you need to
clean  up your configuration to start anew."

This message:

where Milan Crha gave you detailed information on how to fix the
issues.  It is entirely up to you if you want to follow his
instructions or stick with the Flatpak version. It may be too late
anyway if you have been using the Flatpak one for a while and you are
retrieving mail by POP into that version as you won't be able to export
from there into the older native version.  In all honesty if you are
using the Flatpak version with POP the easiest route is to just stick
with it.


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